HP has launched Pavilion 17-cd1023nr Gaming Laptop variants in the US online. It has a price tag of $1,279 for the base model and $4,159 for the top-end model. It is now in stock online on Amazon.com ( check here ) HP Pavilion 17-cd1023nr is a 17-inch high-end gaming laptop powered by the 10th gen Intel Core i7-10750H Hexa-core processor. It has a base clock speed of 2.60Ghz and a max turbo boost frequency of 5.0Ghz. For graphics, HP has equipped this with NVIDIA GTX 1650 4GB GDDR6 GPU. The display on this model is a 17.3 inch Full HD IPS screen with anti-glare coating. There are different variants of HP 17-cd1023nr available in stock on Amazon.in with changes in ram and storage capacity. You can buy it with 16GB or 32GB or 64GB ram . For storage, you can get hybrid SSD+HDD storage up to 8TB. ( check out all variants and their lowest prices here ) HP Pavilion 17-cd1023nr Specs 10th Gen Intel Core i7-10750H ( 6 cores, 2.60Ghz - 5.0Ghz, 12 threads,...
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