MSI has launched Summit Series Laptops with 11th Gen Intel Processors online in the US. There are many different variants available powered by the Intel Core i5-1135G7 / Core i7-1165G7 / Core i7-1185G7 / processors. The price starts at $899 . These models are now in stock online on Amazon US ( check here for the lowest prices ) These models ship with Windows 10 Pro operating system and have Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201(2*2 ax) connectivity. Some of these models have Full HD screens while the more expensive ones have 4K UHD screens with dedicated NVIDIA GeForce GTX1650Ti GPU. MSI Summit B14 A11M-077 ( Price: $899 ) Specs Intel Core i5-1135G7 ( 10nm SuperFin / 4 cores / 8 threads / 2.4Ghz base clock speed - 4.20Ghz Turbo Boost / 8MB cache ) Intel Iris Xe Graphics 8GB ram / 512GB SSD / Windows 10 Pro 14 inch Full HD IPS screen with 72% NTSC White backlight keyboard MSI Summit B15 A11M-058 ( Price: $999 ) Specs Intel Core i5-1135G7 Intel Iris Xe Graphics 8GB ram / 512GB SSD / Windows 10 Pr...
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